Sunday, June 26, 2011

This looks like a job for...


Finally decided to start this thing as another way to get my thoughts out on random garbagio.  The theme of this blog will be all over the freakin' place as well as my interests are...well...all over the place.  One day I might write about the relationship between Superman and Wonder Woman, another day I might write about my exploits in LittleBigPlanet and other days I'll write about what it means to be a Puerto Rican who grew up mostly in the United States.  Hopefully that'll keep everyone, including me, on their toes!

The title of this blog is "Me Contradigo Cuando Pienso" which translated into English means, "I contradict myself when I think."  The line comes from a song by one of my favorite groups of musicians (Calle 13 for anyone who is curious) and perfectly describes my train of thought over the years.  I think it's normal for any person to go through lots of changes when it comes to their own personal thinking and I'm no different.   I've been heavily influenced by everyone in my life and I try to listen to everyone's point of view.  I come off as hard headed a lot whenever I debate, however, you can be certain that I will always consider what someone has said.  I love learning new things and looking at ideas from different perspectives.  It sounds cliché, but hey, what can you do?

This blog will be something I can reflect upon in the future and maybe be something that teaches others as well.  Hopefully I can "sembrar una semilla en su cabeza" or "plant a seed in your head."  And I ask that others can do the same for me.